Over 53 Million Hispanics Live in USA

Washington, Aug 12 (Prensa Latina) – More than 53 million Hispanics live in the United States and constitute around 17 percent of the country's total population, according to recent reports. The state of New Mexico has the highest percentage of Latinos with 47 percent, but California has the highest share, with 14.5 million of Hispanics of a total of 38 million inhabitants. A million or so Hispanics live in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York and Texas. According to the latest estimates of the Census Bureau, by 2060 there will be 129 million Hispanic residents, 31 percent of the country's population by then. In 2010, only Mexico, with 112 million inhabitants, had a higher Latino population than the United States. Of the total of Hispanic people living in the United States, 65 percent are from Mexico; 9.4 percent from Puerto Rico; 3.6 percent from Cuba and 2.3 percent from Guatemala. The rest are from other nations in Central and South America.
2013-08-12 22:50:40