Chamber of the Americas Foundation is embarking on an exciting endeavor by taking 25 years of navigating international waters of trade and economic development to another level to heal a Divided Nation and International Community now and into the future. The foundation respectfully requests your support in helping make possible its outreach program, "You Are the Difference: The Human Face in Doing Business." Please donate now to help support the foundation’s outreach program.
Charles Swain
Chief Executive Officer
303.324.9644 RhumbaClub, based in Colorado, is a member based cross-border, closed loop (only open to verified members) e-Commerce Marketplace that serves the Western Hemisphere. A unique proprietary payment system provides millions of people, who do not use or have a credit card, the ability to purchase goods on the Internet. The Marketplace enables retail products to be sold at reasonable prices and safely delivered to members throughout North and South America. Targeted delivery is within 4 business days to Latin America. Retail vendors will no longer have to be concerned with credit card or delivery fraud.